Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Good Afternoon,
I am an 8th grade teacher at J. W. Hubert Middle School and would like information on where we can purchase additional copies of Profile of a Black Heritage. Our current principal, Dr. Toney Jordan, recently read the aforementioned book and was intrigued by the successes of the Hubert Family throughout this community. The Hubert Family Legacy is something we would love to share with our students. Your family has a rich heritage and we are all proud to work at a school named for such a prominent African American. We would love to have someone from your family come in to speak to both students and faculty as it would be great to put a face with the Hubert name. Thanks in advance for your assistance in this very important matter.
Dr. Wanda D. Dixon
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Good morning Dr. Dixon,
Unfortunately, the book is currently out of print. However, it has been proposed that the book be updated and a new edition be printed.John Wesley Hubert's son, Dr. Willis J. Hubert currently resides in Atlanta. Upon reading your email, I phoned Dr. Hubert to inform him of your request. He told me that he would be traveling to Savannah in early October, and that he would be honored to visit J. W. Hubert Middle School. Dr. Hubert's phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx. Please contact him at your earliest convenience.
On October 9, 2004, the Camilla and Zack Hubert home site in Hancock Count was officially designated a Georgia historic site by the Georgia State Historical Society. The marker unveiling ceremony was attended by several generations of Hubert family members. If you would like copies of this very special occasion for your school library, then I will make arrangements to send them to you .
With warmest regards,
William R. Hubert
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Mr. Hubert,
It is an honor to actually hear from a member of the Hubert Family. I am so excited about meeting Mr. John Wesley Hubert’s son. Thank you so much for the contact numbers. I will be in contact with both you and Dr. Hubert.I’ve been a teacher at J. W. Hubert Middle School for ten years and I love this place. Several schools have tried unsuccessfully to “steal” me, but my children need me here. As an African American female I am not only the teacher, but a mother figure in many instances. It’s unfortunate, but I am the only source of stability in most of my children’s lives. Oftentimes, they think that success is possible only on television or in dreams. When true success isn’t measured in “material possessions” but in the impact you make in the lives of others. Your family’s legacy is fascinating and your story needs to be shared with our students and this community. This year in honor of Black History Month, we will focus on the John W. Hubert Family and your many contributions to education. We are also planning our first J. W. Hubert Week. I will keep you posted as our plans materialize.
We would love to receive the information on the Camilla and Zack Hubert home site in Hancock County for our school records. I have what may be a silly question: Where is Hancock County? This might be an excellent fieldtrip opportunity for our students.
Again, thanks for the response. Hopefully, one day our paths will cross if you are ever in Savannah.
I am respectfully,
Dr. Wanda D. Dixon