Her three children were born while the Warners lived in Graves Hall at Morehouse. Marolyn (Smith), who graduated from Talladega College and New York University, became a physical education teacher and taught for many years at Florida A & M University.
Clinton E. Warner Jr. graduated from Morehouse College and Meharry Medical College. He trained as a surgeon at Homer G. Phillips Hospital in St. Louis and eventually practiced medicine for many years in Atlanta. He has recently retired. The third child, Yvonne (Dunston) graduated from Morgan State College. She died two years after graduation from leukemia.
Mabel taught at Hamilton High School in Dekalb County, Georgia; retiring in 1964. After retirement, she served as head resident at Spelman for several years. She died in Atlanta in 1973.
Mabel was born at the homeplace in Springfield. She was the baby girl and was known as "Sweet" to the rest of the family. Although she did not attend Spelman like the rest of her sisters, she graduated from Jackson State College in Jackson, Mississippi, where her brother, Zachary was president. Upon graduation, she attended Brown's Business College in New York City, learning to be a secretary. She later became secretary to the widow of Booker T. Washington at Tuskegee, Alabama. While at Tuskegee, she met and married Professor Clinton E. Warner, an instructor at Morehouse College. She received a Master of Arts degree from Columbia University after her family was established.