Zachary Taylor Hubert

Zachary, the second son and third child of Zack and Camilla, was born at Springfield, Georgia in 1878. He attended grade schools at Springfield and White Pains, Georgia and went to the Atlanta Baptist College (now Morehouse College), Atlanta, Georgia, where he was graduated in 1899. Zachary went on to do graduate work at Amherst College in Amherst, Massachusetts; where he received a Master of Science degree in 1901.

With his Master of Science degree in hand, Zachary accepted a teaching position at Florida Agriculture and Mechanical College, Tallahassee, Florida (now known as Florida A&M University) where he served as professor of Science and Agriculture. Zachary left Florida Agriculture and Mechanical College in 1906 and went to Atlanta, Georgia, where he became Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds at Spelman College.

Around 1915, Zachary left Spelman College and went to Jackson, Mississippi, where he became president of Jackson College. His years at Jackson College were highly productive. He organized the school and put it on a sound financial base.

Having heard of the impressive record he had set at Jackson College, by raising the institution from a low academic level to a high one, the Oklahoma State Board of Education invited Zachary to become president of Langston College, Langston, Oklahoma in 1928.

During Zachary's tenure at Langston College the school rose to a high level of academic proficiency, and made great strides as an institution of higher learning. The faculty was upgraded, the physical plant was expanded, and plans were made for future growth and expansion of the college with the aim of integrating it into Oklahoma's fine system of higher education.

Notwithstanding the outstanding work he had performed at Langston College, his career as president of the institution was brought to a halt in 1932 when "Wild Bill" Murray became Governor of Oklahoma. Murray replaced him with a black physician, I.W. Young, a veteran of Oklahoma politics. Young had supported Murray in his political campaign, whereas Zachary steadfastly refused to become involved in the political arena.

Upon leaving Langston College in 1932, Zachary returned Georgia where he accepted a position with the United States Department of Agriculture Extension Services Agengy at Altanta. He was responsible for teaching cooperative farming to black farmers of the southwest portion of Georgia. In 1945, after thirteen years of farm extension work, Zachary retired from public service due to blindness.

Zachary Taylor Hubert died in Savannah, Georgia in 1958 at the home of his son, Wilson. He was preceeded in death by his wife, Marietta.

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